My journey as a developer

Why did I choose computer science?


My journey as a developer

Since my young age I've been interested in computer science stuff, science and anything that had to do with creating. I did a lot of Lego for instance.

I was around 13 years old when I first ask my father about programming. Back then I simply copied and pasted code in Visual Basic to create for example a breakout game. This interest also came from the fact that I was playing a lot of video games at the time.

Later on, I paid less attention to computer science to focus more on video making. Could be about video games, but I was also making videos relating school trips. I keep a very good memory of those moments because I got to present my work in front of all the parents and students.

After high school came the moment to decide what to do for my studies. And that was a tough choice. I had a lot of interests. But I decided to come back to my original interest to computer science hand in hand with biology. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned since I ended up doing medical studies. After this unsuccessful period, I got accepted to a computer science 2 years program called IUT in France. This was the chance for me to go back to computer science full time. Despite a difficult start, I really enjoyed this program, where I met decisive people for my career. After my internship and the end of this experience I had a 6 months break where I dedicated my time to part-time jobs, working in a startup and preparing the future.

Therefore, I joined a one-year apprenticeship program in the Sorbonne University in Paris. With the help of the company Itelis I learned more about DevOps and gained a lot of confidence and responsibility. This experience proved once more that using my skills in a company was much more rewarding for me. And that I also loved learning directly on the field.

From this point, I wanted to be enrolled in an apprenticeship engineering program. That's when I joined Efrei school for 3 years, being hopefully my last years as a student. This time I was aiming at a mission where I could be more involved in a team tasks, so I could be part of real use cases and projects. Hence, I joined the telecom company Orange as a DataOps engineer. A position that I’m still occupying until September 2023. This experience has been the most challenging, as I started to work on new technologies with different process and on a larger scale.

From all these years working with computer sciences, I can confirm that I enjoy that a lot. I remember myself as a kid, when I was crafty and curious, I feel like I got to fulfill those needs with my jobs and personal projects. For me, coding is really about creating something useful for others and meaningful to me. Something fun where I can express myself and spend hours trying to solve problems or try new technologies. Computer science made me explore a lot of areas and meet incredible people, therefore I intend to continue my journey as a developer.